Altar Servers (Acolyte)Altar Servers assist the Priest at Mass. Servers can be male or female, young or more mature. Servers carry the Cross, the processional candles, hold the book for the celebrant when he is not at the altar, present the bread, wine and water to the priest during the preparation of the gifts. Our Senior Alter Servers (made up of retired seniors) assist the Priest at Funerals. If you are interested in becoming an Altar Server, please contact:
Joanne Brady Merola...... 514-334-8184 Senior Alter Servers: Wayne Hogan..... 514-335-5612 |
Altar SocietyThe members of the Altar Society are responsible for vesting the altar according to the liturgical season or special event. This Ministry decorates the Sanctuary to reflect the solemnness of the season or special event. The Altar Society is responsible for the washing of altar linens. Please contact:
Angela Ferraro..... 514-856-1967 |
Music Ministry (Choir)There is a saying that states, “When you sing, you pray twice!”. If you like to sing or can play an instrument, come and “Pray Twice” with our choir. Please contact:
Bavicca Bharati - [email protected] |
Lectors– Ministers of the WordA lector is the person who proclaims the first and second readings at Mass and leads the congregation in the Prayers of the Faithful. The Lector must have a deep respect and reverence for God’s presence in the Liturgy of the Word. Should you be interested in becoming a lector, please contact :
Linda Cicciu..... 514-335-6160 |
Extraordinary Ministers of CommunionAn Extraordinary Minister of Communion is a layperson that distributes the Eucharist during Mass. All Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion should show the greatest reverence for the Most Holy Eucharist by their demeanor and the manner in which they handle the consecrated bread and wine. Should you be interested in this Ministry, contact:
Joanne Brady Merola..... 514-334-8184 |
Ministers of Hospitality (Greeters)Ministers of Hospitality are the first contact for worshipers entering the church. They greet and welcome everyone who enters our church. They answer any questions relating to our church or direct the attendee to someone who can. Ministers of Hospitality assist attendees as needed. They find seating and help parishioners with special needs. They are responsible for taking up the collection as well as organizing the offertory procession. After Mass, Ministers of Hospitality stand by the doors to distribute the weekly bulletin. If you are interested in this Ministry, please contact:
Secretary of the church - Lori Ann...... 514-334-0531 |
SacristanThe Sacristan in the Catholic is responsible for making sure that all is necessary for the celebration of Sunday Masses as well as the celebration of Masses for Holy Days, Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals. The Sacristan arranges the books needed for the celebration. She/he lays out the vestments and anything else needed such as cruets, chalices, ciboria, hosts, sacramental wine, linens, oils, candles as well as setting up the Offertory Procession table. The Sacristan is also responsible for ringing the bell to signify the beginning of Mass. The Sacristan, in coordination with the Parish Priest, makes sure that the vestments and liturgical vessels are in good condition. The head Sacristan is responsible for maintaining adequate supplies of hosts, sacramental wine, candles and special items for the celebration of Holy Days such as Ash Wednesday. If you are interested in serving in this Ministry, please contact:
Secretary of the church - Lori Ann..... 514-334-0531 |
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